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Health & Wellness

Teen and Young Adult Mental Health

Young adulthood is a critical time, when many people experience mental health issues and significant stress from life transitions like moving from home and beginning college or a career.

Seize the Awkward inspires young adults to help friends who are struggling with mental health issues (and who may be at risk for suicide) by encouraging them to consistently start and sustain conversations about mental health with their friends.

Recognizing the need for culturally relevant content and resources for Black and Hispanic/Latine young adults, the new iteration of the campaign, “We Can Talk About It,” reflects the lived experiences of a diverse range of young people. Inspired by the insight that young people are surrounded by harmful messages around mental health, the campaign encourages them to counteract these messages by reaching out to friends who may be struggling.

The campaign drives to, where visitors can explore resources and tools to help them start a conversation with a peer around mental health.
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The Jed Foundation, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Ad Council Creative Studio, Square Enix, Droga5

Mental Health Toolkit

The Ad Council is committed to partnering with community and faith-based organizations to help extend their mental health efforts, provide guidance in the organization of events and help educate the communities they serve on this important topic.

We've developed a robust toolkit that will provide a broad range of information including facts sheets, messaging guidelines, and downloadable assets customized per audience.


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