Arielle Hoffman, Senior Marketing Manager, Cause Marketing, at Oath, is all about corporate social responsibility and brands standing up for their values. Learn how she's bringing social good initiatives to brands and making the world a better place!
Question: How have you worked with the Ad Council?
Arielle Hoffman: I have worked with the Ad Council for the past year since starting my role with Oath for Good, the social impact team here at Oath, a Verizon subsidiary. Oath has an annual partnership with the Ad Council, so we work to support and amplify initiatives year-round across our different brands and platforms! I’m especially proud that Oath is able to support one of my favorite Ad Council initiatives - Love Has No Labels. Its message about the importance of acceptance and diversity is so universally important.
Q: Social good ads pull at our heartstrings. What social good ad has made you cry or stand up and cheer?
AH: Before my role on the Oath for Good team, I was an Account Manager at AOL working on the Procter and Gamble account for years. All of their Olympics and Father’s Day spots made me cry every time! There was an ad about the mothers of Olympic athletes with the tagline, “It takes someone strong to make someone strong,” that really resonated with me and brought on the waterworks.
Q: How do you or your team integrate social good into your work, or how do you think your brand is making the world a better place?
AH: I feel so lucky to work at a company that has a whole team dedicated to building a better world! My team focuses on fueling social good into all of our brands, mobilizing employees to give back through volunteering, and managing the Oath Foundation, which provides grants to deserving nonprofits.
Q: Why do you think it’s important for brands to have a corporate social responsibility plan in the world we live in?
AH: From Oath’s Brand Love Index Study, we know that consumers love brands that align with their values -- they want to be seen using brands that share their values. 62% of U.S. consumers expect brands they love to publicly support equality and diversity and 59% of U.S. Millennials think it's important that a brand supports women in leadership and closing the gender pay gap. These stats directly align with our Oath for Good focus of building a better world by improving the lives of women, children and under served communities and inspiring our employees, audiences and partners to join us. All companies need to stand for something or they become irrelevant!
Q: What was the greatest piece of advice someone gave you, and how did it end up helping you?
AH: My first supervisor had a quote from author Mary Anne Radmacher pinned up at her desk that read, “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.” This mindset has carried me through tough days, both professionally and personally, by reminding me to celebrate the small wins and that strength comes in so many different forms.
Celebrate the small wins, and remember strength comes in so many different forms.
Q: If you were giving a commencement speech to this year’s college graduates, what would you want them to know?
AH: Get as comfortable as possible with being uncomfortable. Discomfort is the only thing that will make you stronger and arm you with the tools to take everything you are – your skills, your hopes, your passions, and your talents – and make a difference in this world.
Q: How has your organization improved or innovated the digital landscape in the last year?
AH: This past year has been a game-changing first year at Oath, as we brought together two powerhouse media and technology brands - AOL and Yahoo. It was a huge undertaking - culturally, technically, and operationally - and we are proud of what we achieved but we’re just getting started. We’ve focused on innovating the digital landscape by supercharging our mobile innovation to reach consumers on every screen, with new technologies from VR, AR & 360 to OTT and IoT – all that will eventually be delivered at the speed of 5G.
Q: What value(s) of your organization are you most proud of?
AH: The significance behind my company’s name is that an oath is the greatest commitment you can make to someone – yourself, your family and friends, your colleagues, your partners, your customers, etc. Not only do our brands and employees live out our eight company values every day, but each employee has also created his or her own oath to remind us of our commitment to our work and ourselves every single day. My oath is “Brave Every Storm,” which to me means that the courage to be bold, even during the hardest of times, leads to greatness.
The courage to be bold, even during the hardest of times, leads to greatness.
Q: What can we look forward to from your organization this year?
AH: Oath is investing heavily in its global mobile future. We will continue to build our brands and our partner’s brands with our community of users around the world, and as a company through our strategy of organic growth, strategic partnerships and mergers and acquisitions.
Q: In 40 years, what will people be nostalgic for?
AH: Real paper books. Amazon Prime Day got the best of me this year and I just bought my first kindle and already miss paperbacks!
Q: Tell us what you hope to see more of or experience more of in the next year, using only emojis.
AH: ✨ 🌈 ✈️ 🎫 ❤️