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Driving Responsibly

Driving Responsibly Nothing is scarier than distracted or drug-impaired driving. This Halloween, help your entire community stay safe by ensuring drivers stay alert when they’re behind the wheel.

Drug-Impaired Driving Prevention

Drug-Impaired Driving Prevention
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What It Addresses: PSAs recognize that many are already making smart decisions to avoid unnecessary risks when high and remind viewers to not make an exception when it comes to driving.
Why It's Important: Although several states have legalized marijuana use, driving when impaired by any substance remains illegal in all 50 states and in Washington D.C.
When To Air It: Air this in October for Halloween.

Texting and Driving Prevention

Texting and Driving Prevention
Download the PSAs

What It Addresses: PSAs remind drivers 16-34 that you can do a lot of things things while texting, but driving should never be one of them.
Why It's Important: More than nine in ten Americans believe sending and reading texts while driving is dangerous, but many still do it.
When To Air It: Air this for National Teen Driver Safety Week, October 20th through 26th.