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Keeping Roads Safe


The most recent iteration of the Buzzed Driving Prevention campaign effort prompts young men 21 to 34 to examine their own warning signs of impairment and take responsibility for their decisions behind the wheel by reminding them: If you need to do something to make yourself feel okay to drive, you're not okay to drive.

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Although several states have legalized marijuana use, driving when impaired by any substance remains illegal in all 50 states and in Washington, D.C.

Many marijuana users don’t see a problem with driving after use, but research shows marijuana can slow reaction time, impair judgment of distance, and decrease coordination - all skills necessary for the safe operating of a vehicle.

Our campaign targets young men aged 18 to 35, many of whom reject the common stereotypes of marijuana users. Air these PSAs to remind viewers that if you feel different, you drive different. Don't drive high.

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Even though 94% of Americans recognize it’s dangerous to send a text while driving, and 91% recognize it’s dangerous to read one, many people still do it.

To address the disconnect between awareness and behavior, our campaign addresses the fact that people are personally engaging in a behavior that they know is dangerous. The campaign reminds drivers from 16 to 34 that no one is special enough to text and drive. Text and whatever. Just don’t text and drive.

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