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Welcome to our resource for Ad Council’s trusted media partners to explore and access our latest and upcoming PSAs. Below you’ll find the newest campaigns and creative launches to reach segmented audiences, along with a guide for key moments to run these important messages throughout July, August, and September. With the support of partners like you, these PSAs reach millions of Americans and help them live safer, healthier and happier lives.

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See other seasonal campaigns in Q3


New Creative in Q3

Youth Fentanyl Awareness

To increase awareness of the dangers & prevalence of fentanyl, the Real Deal on Fentanyl was created to educate young people 13-24 and arm them with lifesaving information. New creative also highlights how to reverse an opioid overdose by using naloxone nasal spray.

Who to Target: Teens 16-24
Available: Now
English Digital Video
Spanish Digital Video

Distracted Driving Prevention - Project Yellow Light

Project Yellow Light is an annual PSA scholarship competition for high school and college students that seeks to help keep roads safer by preventing distracted driving. Run the winning PSAs for the 2024 Project Yellow Light competition to remind drivers not to drive distracted.

Who to Target: Drivers ages 18-34
Available: July
English Video, OOH, Radio
Spanish Radio

Safe Gun Storage

Since 2020, there has been an accelerated increase in individuals acquiring a gun for the first time, often driven by a desire to protect against threats outside of the home. End Family Fire’s new creative underscores that responsible gun ownership involves practicing safe gun storage to protect their homes and prevent tragedies before they happen.

Run new PSAs to encourage gun owners to store all of their guns more securely to better protect themselves and their loved ones.

Who to Target: U.S. adults ages 18+ who acquired their first gun in 2020 or later
Available: Late July
English TV, OLV, Digital Banners, Radio, OOH

High School Equivalency

For more than 29 million American adults without a high school diploma, opportunities are limited. Many are living in poverty, but it's not too late to go back to school. As an evolution of the Finish Your Diploma campaign, the new work, Yearbook, highlights the impact that going back to school and getting your High School Equivalency can have on your loved ones and community. Taking the steps to go back to school and get your GED can help you and your loved ones have a brighter future.

Since 2010, has connected over two million people with free adult education classes to help them earn their high school equivalency so that they can connect to a better tomorrow. Visit the site to learn more about resources to help with graduation, connect with free classes, and learn more about other graduate stories.

Who to Target: Adults, 25+
Available: Early August
English TV, Print, Radio, OOH, Online Video

Youth Vaping Prevention

1 in 10 kids use e-cigarettes which can lead to lifelong nicotine addiction and severe lung damage. The new “You’re the Best Person” PSAs highlight that parents are the best people to talk to their kids about the dangers of using e-cigarettes. Run new PSAs to empower parents to learn the important facts about youth vaping so they can have informed conversations with their kids about the risks.

Who to Target: Parents of children ages 10-14
Available: Mid-August
English TV, OLV, Radio, Digital Banners, Print, OOH, Social

Veterans Crisis Prevention

Veterans are at higher risk for suicide compared to the general population. But there is hope – resources are available and suicide is preventable. In the new “Don’t Wait. Reach Out.” campaign PSA, we hear from Veterans and their most-important allies, their loved ones, to encourage Veterans to reach out for help before their challenges become overwhelming.

Who to Target: Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces
Available: September
English Video, OOH, Digital

Child Car Safety

Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for children under 14. For those whom restraint use was known, nearly 40% of children killed in 2022 were unrestrained. When used effectively, car seat restraints can significantly reduce the risk of fatal injury. New campaign PSAs celebrate the love that parents have for their children and shows that protecting their kids with the right seat for their age and size is the most important way to demonstrate that love. Run new PSAs to remind parents and caregivers to secure their child in the right car seat for their age and size.

Who to Target: Parents and caregivers of children ages 0-14
Available: September
English TV, OLV, Radio, Digital Banners, Print, OOH
Spanish TV, OLV, Radio, Digital Banners, Print, OOH

Smokey Bear's 80th Birthday

Wildfire Prevention

Smokey Bear turns 80 this August! For 8 decades, Smokey Bear has protected our nation's wildlands and promoted wildfire prevention. His powerful message, “Only you can prevent wildfires,” is at the heart of America’s longest-running PSA campaign.

Smokey’s message remains relevant today, as nearly 9 out of 10 unwanted wildfires are caused by humans -- and can be prevented. New 80th birthday PSAs feature Smokey through the decades. They remind us that we all have a role to play in keeping our nation's wildlands safe.
Who to Target:
General audience, with an emphasis on Outdoor Enthusiasts (primarily 18-34) and Wildland-Urban Interface Residents (primarily 25-54)

All assets are now available

English Assets:
TV, radio, banner, print, OOH, OLV
Q3 Seasonal Calendar


Cannabis OIL Day

Although several states have legalized marijuana use, driving when impaired by any substance remains illegal in all 50 states and in Washington, D.C.

Run PSAs to remind males 18-34 that if you feel different, you drive different. Don't drive high. It’s dangerous, and illegal everywhere.

Wildfire Prevention Season

Run PSAs during wildfire prevention season to remind audiences that we all have a role to play in keeping our nation's wildlands safe.


Back to School Season

Run PSAs during back to school season to encourage adults to earn their high school equivalency so that they can connect to a better tomorrow.
Run PSAs during the back to school season to increase awareness of the dangers & prevalence of fentanyl with people 13-24 and arm them with lifesaving information.
Run PSAs to remind parents of the important role they can play in preventing their kids from vaping, a message especially important during the back-to-school season.

8/9: Smokey Bear's 80th Birthday

Smokey Bear turns 80 this August! Run PSAs to remind audiences that we all have a role to play in keeping our nation's wildlands safe.

8/31: International Overdose Awareness Day

Run PSAs on and around International Overdose Awareness Day to increase awareness of the dangers & prevalence of fentanyl with people 13-24 and arm them with lifesaving information.

Wildfire Prevention Season

Run PSAs during wildfire prevention season to remind audiences that we all have a role to play in keeping our nation's wildlands safe.


Suicide Prevention Month

Run new PSAs to encourage gun owners to store all of their guns more securely to better protect themselves and their loved ones.
Air PSAs to support Veterans around Suicide Prevention Month and beyond.

Back to School Season

Run PSAs to remind parents of the important role they can play in preventing their kids from vaping, a message especially important during the back-to-school season.
Run PSAs during the back to school season to increase awareness of the dangers & prevalence of fentanyl with people 13-24 and arm them with lifesaving information.
Run PSAs during back to school season to encourage adults to earn their high school equivalency so that they can connect to a better tomorrow.

Wildfire Prevention Season

Run PSAs during wildfire prevention season to remind audiences that we all have a role to play in keeping our nation's wildlands safe.

9/10: Firearm Suicide Prevention Day

Run new PSAs to encourage gun owners to store all of their guns more securely to better protect themselves and their loved ones.

9/15 - 9/21: Child Passenger Safety Week

Run PSAs from September 15th - 21st for Child Passenger Safety Week

Some Frequently Asked Questions (And Answers!)


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