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Welcome to our resource for Ad Council’s trusted media partners to explore and access our latest and upcoming PSAs. Below you’ll find the newest campaigns and creative launches to reach segmented audiences, along with a guide for key moments to run these important messages throughout January, February, and March. With the support of partners like you, these PSAs reach millions of Americans and help them live safer, healthier and happier lives.

See other seasonal campaigns in Q1


New Creative in Q1

American Dreams

Love Has No Labels launched a new effort called American Dreams to address the ongoing discrimination impacting LGBTQ+ people. American Dreams PSAs illuminate a stark reality: While we all share dreams of safety, belonging, and opportunity LGBTQ+ people face increased obstacles to achieving these dreams. These barriers underscore the urgent need for greater awareness and action. "American Dreams" reminds us that we all play a role in building a society where everyone, including LGBTQ+ people, can achieve their dreams.

Who to Target: Adults 18+, with an emphasis on those within 28 states that lack LGBTQ+ protections (moveable middle)
Available: Radio added January.
TV, banners, print, OOH previously available.
English TV, banners, print, OOH and radio

Youth Fentanyl Awareness

In 2022 there were nearly 108,000 drug overdose deaths, with deadly synthetic opioids like fentanyl playing a role in an estimated 68% of overdose deaths during this time period - but naloxone is a safe and legal nasal spray that has the power to reverse an opioid overdose and save a life. Run new "It’s Gotta Be You" PSAs to empower and educate young people on the importance of carrying and knowing how to use naloxone to save a life.

Who to Target: Young people, ages 16-24
Available: Mid-January
English TV & Digital
Spanish Digital

Emergency Preparedness

This winter, run new PSAs encouraging Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities to start a conversation about preparedness, know their risks, and make a plan today to prepare for future disasters.

Who to Target: English-speaking parents and caregivers in the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities.
Available: Banners, print, OOH in late January.
TV, radio and social previously added.
English TV, Radio, Digital Banners, Print, OOH, Social

Lung Cancer Screening

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, and only 16% of people at high risk have been screened nationwide. Early detection is essential when it comes to lung cancer, and early diagnosis can save lives. Fortunately, a routine low-dose CT scan can help detect lung cancer early when it’s more curable. New “If Your Lungs Could Talk” PSAs encourage former smokers to talk with their doctor and learn about their eligibility for a lung cancer scan at

Who to Target: Former smokers between the ages of 50-80 years old
Available: Rolling releases now through end of February
English TV, OLV, Radio, Digital Banners, Print, OOH

Coming Soon: Youth Gun Violence Prevention

Gun injuries are the leading cause of death for children and teens ages 1-17 in the U.S. And while many people believe that gun violence is a highly divisive topic with no common ground, research shows that we agree on more than we think. We agree that this conversation should be normalized and that we all have a role to play to ensure that gun injuries aren’t the leading cause of death for youth. The campaign encourages productive conversations to help reduce gun deaths and injuries among children and teens.
Who to Target:
Parents++, which includes parents and those with children in their inner orbit

Health care providers, who can play a role in reducing gun injuries among children and teens through conversations with patients, patients' families, and other health care providers

Coming late February

English Assets:
TV, Banner, Print, OOH, Online Video

Spanish Assets:
Banner, Print, OOH
Q1 Seasonal Calendar


2/4: World Cancer Day

Air PSAs to remind former smokers of the importance of screening for lung cancer.

2/9: Super Bowl Sunday

This Super Bowl Sunday, run PSAs that remind young men of all they put at risk when they get behind the wheel after drinking, and that buzzed driving is drunk driving.


3/25: Diabetes Alert Day

Run PSAs to call attention to type 2 diabetes prevention during Diabetes Alert Day.

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