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Bullying. Living in a home with improperly stored weapons. Driving while buzzed, high, or texting. There are so many ways a life can be cut short. But there’s one great way to increase the safety of the lives of everyday Americans, and that’s education. Read on to learn more about our safety campaigns.

Buzzed Driving Prevention

The Ad Council has focused on drunk driving prevention since 1983, with the release of the now-classic “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk” campaign. As the idea of a designated driver became the cultural norm, but alcohol-related driving fatalities began to increase, we recognized the need for a new approach. In 2005, we refreshed our classic campaign with a new message: “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving."

The most recent iteration of the Buzzed Driving Prevention campaign effort prompts young men 21 to 34 to examine their own warning signs of impairment and take responsibility for their decisions behind the wheel by reminding them: If you need to do something to make yourself feel okay to drive, you're not okay to drive.
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Child Car Safety

Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for children under 13. This campaign encourages parents and caregivers to correctly buckle up their kids in the right seat for their age and size by reminding them of the importance of getting the big stuff, like car safety, right.

To ensure parents and caregivers are properly securing their children in the best car seat restraint for their age and size, they can visit or
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Distracted Driving Prevention

Using your phone while driving is dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over the ten-year period from 2012 to 2021, over 32,000 people died in distraction-affected crashes. And even though drivers know that using their phone while driving is dangerous, they’re doing it anyway, from sending messages or checking apps to creating content.

The temptation for tech is visceral and ever-present, so drivers don’t always realize when they shift into distracted driving. To help address the disconnect between awareness and behavior, the campaign aims to name the problem and encourages drivers ages 18-34 to keep their eyes forward and avoid driving distracted.
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Drug-Impaired Driving Prevention

Although several states have legalized marijuana use, driving when impaired by any substance remains illegal in all 50 states and in Washington, D.C.

Many marijuana users don’t see a problem with driving after use, but research shows marijuana can slow reaction time, impair judgment of distance, and decrease coordination - all skills necessary for the safe operating of a vehicle.

Our campaign targets young men aged 18 to 34, many of whom reject the common stereotypes of marijuana users - and reminds viewers that if you feel different, you drive different. Don't drive high.
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Emergency Preparedness

In recent years, devastating earthquakes, tornadoes, floods and wildfires have highlighted the need for all Americans, regardless of background or location, to prepare for natural disaster. However, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), half of Americans have not discussed or developed a family emergency plan.

Since 2003, our campaign has empowered individuals, families, small businesses, and communities to prepare for both natural and man-made disasters. “Ready” recommends taking control and preparing for any disaster with three steps: 1) assess your needs, 2) make a plan, 3) engage your support network.

The Ready campaign now includes PSAs developed specifically for Latino, Black and older adult audiences, in addition to the general market work, that encourages, educates, and empowers families to develop their own emergency preparedness plans by visiting,, or
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Extreme Risk Laws Education

In any crisis, time is precious. Those in crisis need time to think things over, to seek professional support, and to heal. But bullets move faster than people can heal. When a loved one is saying or doing things that suggest they intend to harm themselves or others, having access to a gun can create a dangerous situation.

Extreme risk laws currently exist in 21 states and Washington D.C. In Illinois, these civil orders – known as Firearm Restraining Orders (FROs) – temporarily prevent someone in crisis from purchasing or possessing firearms. By doing so, they can pause a potentially deadly situation and give someone the time they need to heal.

To learn more about Firearm Restraining Orders in the state of Illinois, visit
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Heatstroke Prevention

Pediatric vehicular heatstroke is the leading cause of non-crash, vehicle-related fatalities for children aged 14 and younger. Parked cars get hot, fast – and can be deadly. A child’s body temperature rises 3-5 times faster than an adult’s does, and even at temperatures as low as 60°F, a child that has been forgotten or left behind or gained access to a parked car can be at risk of heatstroke within minutes. This campaign reminds families with children that these tragedies can happen to anyone, but they are always preventable.

To learn more about how to prevent heatstroke deaths visit or
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Safe Gun Storage

The End Family Fire campaign highlights the importance of safe gun storage and introduces the term “family fire,” giving a name to any shooting that involves an improperly stored or misused gun found in the home. Unintentional shootings, suicide, and intentional shootings are all forms of family fire.

With about 43 percent of U.S. adults living in a household where there is a firearm, family fire is an issue that affects communities across the country. Now, more than ever, storing guns safely – locked, unloaded, and separately from ammunition – can keep our families and communities safe.

To best protect your loved ones – store guns safely.
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